Tag: democracy

  • Pirate Party UK – 5 years old today

    Pirate Party UK – 5 years old today

    About four years ago I blogged about my first year as a member of the Pirate Party. Two years ago I blogged about the three year anniversary of the founding of the Pirate Party. As I seem to be in the habit of blogging odd-numbered anniversaries, it is that time again! Today the Pirate Party…

  • Pirate Party a single issue party?

    Pirate Party a single issue party?

    In this ‘blog post I would like to challenge the perspective that calls the Pirate Party a single issue party. Upon cursory inspection, that seems the case, but I hope that I can persuade readers that when you dig a little deeper there is more to the Pirate Party. I do not just mean the…

  • Pirates and Protecting Personal Privacy (a response)

    Pirates and Protecting Personal Privacy (a response)

    As one of the Pirate Party members present for the excellent DEAPPG meeting (thank you!), I’ll try and respond to some of your comments Eric. I will emphasise however that my comments do not necessarily represent anyone else in the Party nor the Party itself 😀 I’m glad you were intrigued by us. I am…

  • Dogfooding STV and the Board of Governors

    Dogfooding STV and the Board of Governors

    The Pirate Party UK recently held elections for their Board of Governors, and with 12 seats up for grabs the fairest and most logical voting method to use was a Single Transferable Vote using the Electoral Reform Society’s 1997 guidelines. The ‘dog food’ of the blog title refers to using the same tools and technologies…

  • Date of the AV referendum

    Date of the AV referendum

    David Cameron has been urged to rethink plans for holding a referendum on voting reform at the same time as the Scottish Parliamentary election. Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond said in a letter to the prime minister that holding the votes on the same day could “overshadow” devolved issues. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/10586076.stm To be honest, if the…

  • FPTP, AV, and PR

    FPTP, AV, and PR

    Yesterday saw the announcement of details of the coalition government’s plan for a voting reform referendum. As suspected true proportional representation (PR) isn’t on the table. Instead the choice is between the current first past the post (FPTP) system and the proposed alternative vote (AV) system. What is FPTP? This is relatively simple, and is…